UV Laser Marking Machine

UV laser marking machine adopts high quality UV laser source of ‘Gainlaser’ and high quality Galvo scanner of ‘Tenfotai’. with a wavelength of 355nm and a focused lightThe wavelength is 355nm and the spot diameter is smaller, which can achieve ultra-fine marking and special material marking. Not only the beam quality is good, the focus point is small and the marking is super fine; wider range of application; minimal heat-affected zone, no thermal effect, no material burning, high efficiency; fast marking speed, stable performancestable, small size, low power consumption and other advantages.

(1) UV laser marking machine performance is excellent, uniform laser power density, stable output power, extremely fine light spot.
(2) UV laser marking machine – machine multi-purpose. Can make up for other laser
equipment can not make up for the defects. You can also performUltra-fine marking
(3) UV laser marking machine has a small heat-affected zone, which can reduce the loss of products and improve the yield of products.
(4) UV laser marking machine without consumables, low maintenance costs.