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August 8, 2024
UV laser marking machines are sophisticated devices that require careful handling to ensure optimal performance and safety. Here’s a guide on the steps to use a UV laser marking machine and the essential safety measures to follow. [...]
June 29, 2024
A Galvo scanner, short for galvanometer scanner, is a type of optical device used for directing laser beams with high precision and speed. It operates based on the principle of galvanometer movement, where mirrors are mounted on [...]
March 11, 2024
In the dynamic world of the plastics industry, UV laser marking stands as a game-changer, redefining traditional approaches to product identification. Harnessing ultraviolet light sources, this technology delivers precise and efficient [...]
December 26, 2023
In this joyful Christmas season and as we approach the dawn of a new year, the desire to select a unique gift for our loved ones arises. The application of modern technology, especially UV laser marking technology, brings a distinctive [...]
December 1, 2023
Introduction: In the dynamic realm of aerospace manufacturing, technological advancements are reshaping the industry’s landscape. This article explores the pivotal role played by UV laser marking machines, unraveling their [...]
November 27, 2023
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of the automotive industry, advancements in manufacturing technologies play a pivotal role in ensuring efficiency, traceability, and quality. Among these transformative technologies, UV [...]
March 14, 2023
The current industrial regulations require parts to have clearly legible identifications, therefore, increasing the popularity of the laser marking process. Previous industrial trends required manufacturers to mark surfaces with [...]
March 14, 2023
Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser marking is a thermal process that uses the heat generated by a laser beam to alter the surface of the material being [...]